The Town of Geneva Sustainability Committee, in partnership with the City of Geneva Green Committee, will continue its Lake-Friendly Living educational series soon. Check back for updates!
Lake Friendly Living Educational Series 1: How to have an Eco-Property
The first program was “How to have an Eco-Property" on April 15th. Participants learned tips on making their yards more environmentally compatible, capturing water and reducing runoff, inviting pollinators into your yard, and alternatives to pesticides. Tips focused on what can be done now in spring. All practices can help protect Seneca Lake, whether you live in the Town or City.
Speakers were:
• Jennifer Grant, Director of the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell University;
• Jacob Fox, Town of Geneva Climate Smart Coordinator; and
• Sarah Meyer, Farm Programming Manager at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and owner/beekeeper of Worker’s Ransom Honey
View How to have an Eco-Property.
Lake Friendly Living Educational Series 2: Eco-Friendly Yard Design and Plant Care
“Eco-Friendly Yard Design and Plant Care” was held on May 13th. Speakers briefly presented information on ecological design, rain gardens, rain barrels and care of lawns, trees, shrubs and ornamental plants. The remaining time was spent answering questions from participants.
Speakers were:
• Russ Welser, Resource Educator, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ontario County
• Sean Roulan, Gardening Coach and Horticulture Design Specialist
View Eco-Friendly Yard Design and Plant Care
Lake Friendly Living Educational Series 3: What’s in your Trash
“What’s in your Trash” was held on May 27th.
Did you ever wonder how to dispose of old batteries? Or old cat litter? Americans on average produce 4.4 pounds of trash per day that goes into landfills. In order to reduce this amount, we need to understand what is actually in our trash. Jacob Fox, the Town of Geneva’s Climate Smart Coordinator, held a discussion of “What’s in your Trash”. He went through commonly asked waste diversion questions, as well as held a live demonstration on how to do your own waste audit.
View What’s in your Trash
Lake Friendly Living Educational Series 4: Electric Vehicles
“Electric Vehicles” was held on September 9th.
This webinar was on Electric Vehicles infrastructure in our local community. This discussion was based on available charging locations and other info about owning and operating an Electric Vehicle in the Finger Lakes. Special presenter, Michael Amadori, Head of the Sustainability Department at Hobart and William Smith Colleges discussed and shared a few videos.
View Electric Vehicles
Lake Friendly Living Educational Series 5: Stormwater in the Town of Geneva
"Stormwater in the Town of Geneva" was held on November 18th.
Ian Smith, the Seneca Lake Watershed Steward and expert on watershed health, joined us. We discussed green infrastructure, non-point source pollution, and current projects/ initiatives addressing stormwater.
View Stormwater in the Town of Geneva
To submit an Lake Friendly Living Question click here.